陪我玩!無尾熊寶寶衝下樹 緊抱保育員大腿黏踢踢

保育員姐姐來了?快點抱抱呀!(圖/翻攝自Port Stephens Koalas)



澳洲無尾熊救援團隊「Port Stephens Koalas」PO出一段可愛的影片,只見小摩頓攀在樹上,聽到保育員姐姐問「要不要玩啊?」、「來做些什麼吧~」,接着小可愛在鼠幹上跳來跳去,一下吃吃手,一下抓抓癢,最後牠決定下樹衝向保育員,然後緊緊抱住大腿往上爬,黏人樣子超級可愛,不過無尾熊尖銳的指甲還是讓保育員痛得唉唉叫。

Morton update Morton has more than doubled his weight since he came to us a orphan and is now a hefty 810 grams. He has a "Joey Gym tree" set up now so that he can get the chance to practice climbing. He's taking baby steps at the moment but his confidence is growing each day. This image is under Copyright of Portstephenskoalas.com.au. To use this video or photo in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email: licensing@storyful.com


其實摩頓這麼黏人是因爲牠是個孤兒,Port Stephens Koalas的救援團隊今年7月帶回一隻車禍死亡的無尾熊,在育兒袋中發現了活下來的小摩頓,便親手把牠抱出來,當時小寶寶大約5個月大,只有340克,在保育員的照顧下,小可愛終於越來越健康。

從小失去媽媽保護的小摩頓最黏保育員了,雖然爬樹爬得很好,但看到保育員還是想黏上去撒嬌,毛茸茸的可愛模樣也吸了好多粉絲。Port Stephens Koalas表示,其實無尾熊路殺在澳洲相當常見,從被撞死的無尾熊媽媽育兒袋裡抱出小生命,如此讓人心疼的事情常常發生,而且並非每個寶寶都像摩頓這樣幸運活下來了,首要還是駕駛人行駛時注意路況,才能避免小動物被撞遇害。

Morton has put on a show and the cost of admission is a GO FUND ME donation. We've reached 20% of our much needed target. Here is the link:- https://www.gofundme.com/port-stephens-koalas This image is under Copyright of Portstephenskoalas.com.au. To use this video or photo in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email: licensing@storyful.com