美衛生部長推特連發「訪臺行」! 認可臺灣全球衛生成就



美國衛生部長阿札爾(Alex Azar)上週結束臺灣訪問行程後,17日在推特上連續發佈了多則他在臺灣活動推文,記錄訪臺行程與成果。他在貼文中多次提到了臺灣的民主公共衛生被美國所認可,也一再強調此行增進了臺美之間的友誼


I was honored to visit #Taiwan this week and bring the greetings of a very good friend of Taiwan, President Donald Trump. The visit strengthened the friendship between the United States and Taiwan and highlighted the global health leadership of Taiwan. pic.twitter.com/6dqA63Uf5s



At the Taiwan CDC, we met with @MOHW_Taiwan's Minister Chen and signed a joint statement as the American Institute in Taiwan and TECRO signed an MOU to expand on the longstanding collaboration on health between the United States and #Taiwan. pic.twitter.com/O6eEkRiIms


At the Chang Hong face mask machine factory, we met with Vice Premier Shen and discussed the burgeoning U.S.–Taiwan economic relationship, #Taiwan’s economic success, and how its free-market model feeds Taiwan’s achievements in health. pic.twitter.com/uXG9qyEf9Y

阿扎爾是1979年以來訪問臺灣最高級別美國政府官員。美國自確認阿扎爾來臺訪問動作頻頻,因此曾派駐臺北的美國前外交官譚慎格(John Tkacik)不久前指出,「美國有可能在外交上正式承認一個獨立的臺灣或臺灣共和國」。