「寂寞與獨自一人截然不同」 熱播醫療影集《良醫墨非》迎來第五季


因應疫情使得醫療類的影劇題材大受歡迎,而其中即將邁向第五季的熱播影集良醫墨非》(The Good Doctor)便是描述一位自閉症患者天才醫師有着才智過人醫術,直言不諱總是對病患過於坦承的人格特質就是這位角色最吸引人之處,亦是整齣戲靈魂人物,下面七則金句大家一一回味這部熱播多年的經典影集。

“All of them make mistakes, and hopefully, all of them learn.“大家都會犯錯,但幸好我們都能從錯中學習。

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“Being alone and being lonely are two different things. Sometimes, we are lonely, and we don’t even know it. “獨自一人以及感到寂寞爲截然不同的兩件事,有時候其實我們很寂寞但自己甚至不會知道。

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“The world is sad and very complicated. “這世界充滿了悲傷以及複雜。

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“We just have to love other people for who they are and hope they love us too. “我們能選擇的只有盡力去愛人,而若夠幸運的話對方也會同樣的這麼愛我們。

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“When people want you to do something they think is wrong, they say it’s reality. “當別人認爲你的想法錯誤時,他們指的是因爲你違背了現實

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“Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you can do and can’t do. “永遠不要讓別人來告訴你什麼事你辦得到、什麼事你做不到。

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“We all die. If we accepted that, we would be happier. “人終將會死,若我們能接受這個事實,反而比較快樂。

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►「人生本來就有很多事徒勞無功」 《那些年》10年了,用金句回憶青春