
▲▼ 上班族。(圖/示意圖達志影像



「強化事實的敘述」,顧名思義就是在英文句子裡提供事實,以增加說服力。例如:「He loves Hokkaido.」,意思是他真愛北海道。但是如果把這個句子改寫爲:「He loves Hokkaido. In fact, he went there again last month.」,讓增加的事實告訴讀句子的人:他真的愛北海道,愛到他上個月又去了一趟那裡。


例1原句:Clayton is the leading brand in the market right now.(Clayton現在是市場上的領導品牌。)

強化事實後的改寫:Clayton is the leading brand in the market right now. As a matter of fact, it has a 60% market share in this country.(Clayton現在是市場上的領導品牌。事實上,它在這個國家有百分之六十的市場佔有率。)


例2原句:Bill Meyer is an excellent salesperson in the company.(Bill Meyer是公司裡很讚的銷售員。)

強化事實後的改寫:According to the data from the quarterly sales report, Bill Meyer is an excellent salesperson in the company.(根據銷貨季報的數據顯示,Bill Meyer是公司裡很讚的銷售員。)


例3原句:I am afraid that Ms. Smith’s remarks are wrong.(我恐怕Smith女士評論是錯的。)

強化事實後的改寫:I am afraid that Ms. Smith’s remarks are wrong. The truth is that over 30 customers requested a refund for this product last week.(我恐怕Smith女士的評論是錯的。事實上,上星期有超過30名消費者要求此項產品的退款。)


This e-mail is in response to your letter of October 14, which stated that my membership at your fitness center will expire on October 31. I wish to let you know that I have chosen not to renew it.



When I first became a member, the cost was $25 per month. Now the cost is $50 per month. Aside from this significant increase in cost, I have been dissatisfied with some of the services at the fitness center. There never seems to be enough equipment available for use at peak hours during the day. In addition, many of the new aerobics classes that I registered for were canceled due to low attendance.



1. 會費顯著增加。2. 健身器材不夠。3. 有氧舞蹈課被取消。


1. Why did this person send the e-mail?(A) To explain why she will not renew her membership(B) To recommend an increase in staff(C) To ask for information about the center(D) To report that a machine is not working

2. What is NOT one of this person’s concerns?(A) Fitness equipment is sometimes unavailable.(B) Some aerobics classes were cancelled.(C) The membership fees are too high.(D) The fitness trainers are inexperienced.

解析:第1題的正確答案是(A)。題目是問此人爲何寄出email;從e-mail的起頭「I wish to let you know that I have chosen not to renew it.」即知,此會員是要解釋說明不續約會員資格。答案(B)是建議增加員工,答案(C)是詢問健身中心資訊,答案(D)是通報設備故障,皆不符。

第2題的正確答案是(D)。本題典型多益測驗Part 7的「選錯的」題型。題目是問下列哪一項不是此人的考量。答案(A)、(B)、(C)分別是我們前述此會員不續約原因的「事實」。但答案(D)的「健身教練經驗不足」末提及,所以爲正解。


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