

傳統裝飾彩膜材質以PVC爲主,但近十年的學術科研得出PVC材質對人體極其不友好,長期曝露於PVC氯化物、 增塑劑等化學物質很大機率影響人體健康。

品擇 · 金屬木飾面摒棄PVC薄膜裝飾的材質,轉用健康無公害PET高分子膜結構;使產品更安全健康、性能更穩定、已測試通過多項國際食品級標準,更適合用於室內裝飾。品擇採取高溫高壓複合工藝,避開板材容易泡發、脫膜、變形的弊端。實現高逼真裝飾彩膜與金屬複合板材技術整合。



—— 品擇·金屬木飾面

Traditional decorative films are usually made of PVC base material. However, scientific research study in the near decade indicates that PVC material is not friendly to human. Long exposure to PVC related chemicals such as chloride and plasticizer etc are hazardous to health.

Panache Wood Veneer Metal Panel avoid using PVC decorative films by replacing it with healthy non-toxic PET adhesive structured decorative films. It enhances the product’s health security and mechanical stability and has been certified to meet major international food grade standards. The product is especially tailored to interior designs works. Panache panels are made through high temperature pressurized lamination process which eliminate possibilities of foaming, film stripping as well as structural deformation. The product is the result of two types of technologies, high fidelity decorative films and composite metal sheets.

The taste of a design work is the result of numerous different selections of an interior designer. Taste starts from selections. Decorative material has to make end users feel secure to use, and contractors feel comfort to deploy. We believe that the readiness of enormous accessories for providing perfect design options are vital elements to customization works.

Panache focuses to emulate natures through technology enhancement; and natures make spaces become lively. It offers quality and taste.


