



Perhaps the only thing more feted than the wedding of The Queen's first born son, Prince Charles, to Lady Diana Spencer, was the announcement that the Princess was pregnant with her first child, in 1981. The world was overjoyed when Princess Diana welcomed baby Prince William, choosing to do so in the private Lindo Wing of St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, London. It was a moment broadcast the world over–after all, previously, royal births took place in the Palace.

Royal watchers across the globe cheered once more when The Princess of Wales announced her second pregnancy and gave birth to a second son, Prince Harry, in 1984. Princess Diana proved herself to be a truly wonderful mother–choosing to break royal protocol where she saw fit. She chose their first given names, which was previously done by the Palace, refused to have a royal nanny and took it upon herself to personally make the decisions about the young princes' personal lives–including what school they would attend. Princess Diana was rarely seen without her two boys and while we didn’t know it then, sadly, her time with her sons would be fleeting–Princess Diana died in a car crash in Paris in 1996.

As Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, turned 37 today, here we look back on his relationship with Princess Diana with these very special and rarely seen photographs.

▲和小小威廉王子在肯辛頓家中 With a baby Prince William at home in Kensington Palace

▲肯辛頓宮中與兩位幼子合照 Pictured here with her two young sons at Kensington Palace

▲與威廉王子在家 At home with Prince William

更多珍貴照片請點看圖輯Please click the photo gallery to see more precious photos.

文字:DANIELLE GAY | 編輯:Vav Lin | 圖片:Getty Images | 來源:Vogue Australia |


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