老布希當年敗選後 「超暖交接文」致柯林頓:我支持你
美國總統候選人川普、希拉蕊的交鋒,隨着選戰的進行變得越來越激烈,日前的第三場辯論會,雙方對彼此的惡質批評、謾罵,正反映出這次美國大選的整體風格。近來,老布希總統(George HW Bush)1993年政權交接時寫給下任總統柯林頓(Bill Clinton)的信,又再度被民衆瘋傳,大家似乎都相當懷念那段溫柔、富有氣度的美好年代。
You may have noticed a letter that went viral on the internet this week. The letter is from George H.W. Bush’s presidential library. I hadn’t read it in a long time, until yesterday. It moved me to tears, just like it did all those years ago. It’s the letter that President Bush left in the Oval Office for my husband, back in January of 1993. They had just fought a fierce campaign. Bill won, President Bush lost. In a democracy, that’s how it goes. But when Bill walked into that office for the very first time as President, that note was waiting for him. It had some good advice about staying focused on what mattered, despite the critics. It wished him happiness. And it concluded with these words: “You will be our President when you read this note. I wish you well. I wish your family well. Your success is now our country’s success. And I am rooting hard for you. George.” That’s the America we love. That is what we cherish and expect.
Hillary Clinton(@hillaryclinton)張貼的相片 於 2016 年 6月 月 14 4:25下午 PDT 張貼