快訊/敘利亞巴士爆炸「車頂破洞」窗全碎車體焦黑 至少2死12傷

#Syria #IdlibFootage of the bus targeted by an IED in #Afrin. Some sources say that the bus was carrying #FSA militants, not civilians. pic.twitter.com/JjMyAjkLiq



根據土耳其媒體「新曙光報」(Yeni Safak)報導,至少2人死亡,另有12人受傷。另據當地媒體On the Ground News在推特公佈的消息,死亡人數可能已達到4人,是一枚放置在公車上土製炸彈(IED)所引起。

#BREAKING: One of the explosions in #Syria's Afrin targeted a bus.#TwitterKurds pic.twitter.com/mJugyeNBpb

Bomb was planted on a bus, Afrin. pic.twitter.com/WHGhBt2WvS

Pkk carried out another terror attack in the city of Afrin. 3 civilians were killed, dozens of injured as a results of bus explosion.Pkk'nın Afrin'de otobüse düzenlediği saldırıda onlarca sivil yaralandı. 3 sivil hayatını kaybetti. pic.twitter.com/R3jD9I7QZG