快訊/「小飛機墜河」生死不明 美國雷根國家機場停飛



美國維吉尼亞州發生飛航事故,一架小飛機墜毀波多馬克河(Potomac River),目前尚不清楚機上人員數量或者墜毀原因,但當局已經啓動大規模搜救行動,而鄰近的「雷根國家機場」也被下令停飛。

CNN、《福斯新聞》報導,這起案件發生在當地時間29日晚間,華盛頓特區消防與急救部門(DC Fire and EMS)已於X證實一架飛機墜河,並且派遣小組抵達現場救援。

#BREAKING: A plane has crashed into a helicopter while landing at Reagan National Airport near Washington, DCFatalities have been reported, a MASSIVE search & rescue operation is happening in the Potomac RiverWitnesses reported seeing a “massive crash” and hearing a loud… pic.twitter.com/GtSiWjUWn0

美國聯邦航空總署(FAA)下令「雷根國家機場」(Reagan Washington National Airport)所有起降航班停飛。雷根國家機場也在X證實,該機場「所有起飛與降落(航班)都已經被暫停」,緊急部門正在處理一起航空事故,但航廈依然保持開放。


BREAKING:New video shows the moment a plane collided with a helicopter while landing at Ronald Reagan National Airport in Washington DC.A search for survivors in the Potomac River is ongoing pic.twitter.com/oJ57ivyVWw


Confirmed small aircraft down in Potomac River vicinity Reagan National Airport. Fireboats on scene. #DCsBravest

All takeoffs and landings have been halted at DCA. Emergency personnel are responding to an aircraft incident on the airfield. The terminal remains open. Will update.