開卷書摘》北京冬奧遭外交杯葛 英文怎麼說?

北京冬奧遭外交杯葛 英文怎麼說?(示意圖/shutterstock 達志影像)


diplomatic boycott外交杯葛

United States President Joe Biden this month confirmed his administration was considering a diplomatic boycott, which would be aimed at protesting China’s human rights record including in Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet. The United Kingdom and Canada are also weighing up their positions. (The Sydney Morning Herald)


diplomatic (adj)「外交的」,意思也可引申解釋爲「外交手腕的、委婉的」,而外交官員則是用名詞diplomat。

Since 2000, several countries such as Solomon Islands have severed diplomatic relations with Taiwan.


weight (n)「重量」經常出現在多益測驗的機場行李秤重情境中,但要注意動詞「秤重」是weigh,沒有字尾t。常用片語有weigh up (v),weigh (someone/something) up表示carefully assess「審慎評估」的意思。

You should weigh up the risks of the emerging markets before you invest your money.(在投資之前,你應該要先謹慎評估新興市場的風險。)


Several apparel companies joined a growing global trend to boycott Xinjiang cotton.(不少服飾公司加入抵制新疆棉的全球的浪潮。)

注意不要將boycott「抵制」和resist「抵抗;阻擋」 搞混, resist經常用在抵抗壓力、改變等。

A lot of customers find it hard to resist the restaurant’s signature soufflé. (很多顧客都難以抗拒這家餐廳的招牌舒芙蕾。)


Designing earthquake-resistant buildings is quite important in Taiwan.(設計防震的建築在臺灣很重要。)


A diplomatic boycott would involve not sending a delegation of officials to the Winter Olympics, but allowing athletes to participate. (The Sydney Morning Herald)(外交杯葛將不派遣官員代表團參加冬奧,但是允許運動員參賽。)

delegation (n)「代表團」也是多益測驗經常出現的單字,若要指個人代表則可用delegate (n),而這個字也可當作動詞,常用於delegate (something) to (someone),意思是「委任/派(某樣事情)給(某人)」。

Mr. Lee delegated the task to his assistant.(李先生將這項工作任務指派給他的助理。)


The congressional delegation will meet with senior Taiwan leaders to discuss U.S.-Taiwan relations, regional security, and other significant issues of mutual interest," it said. (Reuters)(美國國會議員代表團將訪問臺灣高層並討論臺美關係、區域安全和其他重要議題。)

不少國家正在觀望美國對外交杯葛的後續決定,他們也將視美國的態度而決定動作,也許這些國家將會相互協調並做出聯合行動。國家間的聯盟或公司的合作可用alliance (n)來形容,動詞的表現可以用form an alliance(結盟)。

Some environmental groups formed an alliance to protest against the building of oil and gas pipelines.(一些環保組織結盟,抗議興建石油和天然氣管線。)

The west has always argued that its secret weapon against China is the strength of its alliances. (The Guardian)(西方國家一直認爲對付中國的秘密武器是西方聯盟的力量。)



1. Managers need to learn _________ work to their team members.

(A) delegation

(B) delegate

(C) who delegating

(D) to delegate

2. The Prime Minister’s closest political _________ was mired in the money laundering scandal.

(A) ally

(B) reply

(C) rely

(D) appliance


1. 正解(D)。本題是文法題,動詞learn要接其他動詞時需加上不定詞to後,再接原型動詞。故(D)爲正解。句意爲「經理們需要學習委派工作給他們的隊員。」

2. 正解(A)。語意爲「首相親近的政治盟友深陷洗錢醜聞」本題爲單字題,要選擇符合句意的單字。(B)回覆,(C) 依靠,(D)家電。故(A)爲正解。
