
文/妞新聞 李子

你瞭解自家的毛寶貝嗎?平常會觀察這些寵物人們生活習慣小動作嗎?那代表你還算是個用心的好主人喔!(蓋章認證)因爲接下來要介紹的這個畫家CHRIS BEETOW可是寵物素描達人,而且他的畫風有讓寵物形象更鮮明的魔力,只要將寵物的個性特徵詳細地告訴他,包準看到成品後你會尖叫說着:「就是我家那隻沒錯!」

"Ernie is pretty much the Mayor because he has to great EVERYONE, even if they don’t like dogs. "


"Hot Dog, is always running around, probably has ADD, gets into trouble and is always making noises (yelling). "

Hot Dog喜歡跑來跑去,有過動兒的傾向,總是闖禍和製造噪音

"Jupes, is terrified of lots of things (see wide, round, owl eyes in the bag picture), and she is always at the food bowl. "



"Andi is the old lady of the family and, without a doubt, would wear a double string of pearls were she human!.Food is her weakness, she never met a protein she didn”t like and she thinks she”s supposed to eat anytime someone else (dog or human) is. "


"Sammi is a chubby little thing and is always dirty.Her favorite toy is anything that she can de-stuff in 5 seconds flat."


"Franki is beautiful and she knows it, but she is smart as a whip.One of her greatest loves in life is her purple ball. I have a secret stash of them for when one needs to be replaced. I”m pretty sure she”s convinced she still has the original one."


"Fifi is a dog an attitude. She hates things that are black and anything that moves faster then her. (like bicycle, skate board)"


"Bambi hates heights and people blocking her way. And she also hates people to move her things around. She love her companion (Orange horse soft toy)."


"Caroline is "A cat who makes people who never wanted a cat want a cat." She studied for 4 medical board exams with me and I joke that she should get certificates from the sundry exams alongside me.  "


"Cooper not only sleeps hard, she sleeps funny. She even has her own Facebook page dedicated to all of her ridiculous sleeping positions. She has an uncanny way of burrowing under a blanket and then morphing out from under it as she sleeps."



Source:Chris Beetow Illustration-facebook

【延伸閱讀】 有愛又可愛!收容所狗狗的迷你分身認養計劃騷擾寵物就是他最大的樂趣!韓國的猥褻老伯插畫