抵制國歌丟贊助的NFL球員 每次擒抱捐300美金



NFL丹佛野馬隊線衛馬歇爾(Brandon Marshall),在上週的開幕戰力舊金山49人四分卡普尼克(Colin Kaepernick),唱國歌時單膝跪地,企圖喚醒大衆對有色人種的不公不義,結果損失兩個贊助。但馬歇爾在臺灣時間15日宣佈,本季只要完成1次擒抱,就捐出300美金(約9500臺幣)給社福團體

上星期9日的NFL開幕戰,丹佛野馬對上卡羅萊納黑豹,馬歇爾以行動支持大學隊友卡普尼克,結果馬上損失航空學校聯邦儲蓄互助社 (Air Academy Federal Credit Union)的代言,隨後又失去了來自資訊公司世紀互聯(CenturyLink)的贊助。



On Thursday, Sept. 8, I took a knee for the National Anthem to take a stand against social injustice. My intent was not to offend anyone but rather to simply raise awareness and create some dialogue toward affecting positive change in our communities. In the last week, I’ve had a lot of productive conversations with people I respect, including Chief White of the Denver Police Department. I really appreciate all of them taking the time to listen to me and offer some insight and feedback on ways we can all make a difference. I’ve also had a lot of time to personally reflect on important issues such as race and gender equality, the treatment of our military veterans, our relationship with law enforcement, educational opportunities for our youth, and many more. I recognize and applaud the significant progress that has been made in these areas made possible only through the hard work of so many dedicated leaders. But, it’s clear there is so much more work to be done by all of us. Together, we all need to Stand Up for change. This starts with me. My work with the Rose Andom Center to stop domestic violence is fulfilling and close to my heart. But I need to do more. I plan to be involved with several other organizations that benefit the Denver community and others through the services, awareness and funds they provide for these critical social issues. And I will donate 300 dollars for every tackle I make this season to those programs. You can track these contributions on social media through #TackleChange. I’m truly grateful for the support I’ve received from so many people, especially my teammates. I look forward to preparing with them and focusing on an important game Sunday against the Colts.

Brandon Marshall(@bmarshh54)張貼相片 於 2016 年 9月 月 14 10:11上午 PDT 張貼

