巴布亞紐幾內亞發生規模6.2地震 未發佈海嘯警報



巴布亞紐幾內亞(Papua New Guinea)當地9日下午4時4分(臺灣時間下午2時4分)發生規模6.2地震,根據美國地質調查局(USGS)最新數據,這起地震震央位在城鎮科可波(Kokopo)南方約128公里處,深度約31.3公里。目前並未發佈海嘯警報

Earthquake: 6.2 quake felt near Kokopo, Papua New Guinea: A magnitude 6.2 earthquake was reported 75 miles from Kokopo, Papua New Guinea. https://t.co/3DLn0mPYn1 #Earthquakes pic.twitter.com/sAqf0jBny4

A strong earthquake with shallow depth source location occurred 214 km NNE from Kimbe, Papua New Guinea. However, it does not pose any immediate tsunami threat to the Fiji region. pic.twitter.com/kU0ckvr0uu