16歲癡情哥「封城後離家出走」 小女友以爲徒步450km尋愛…等7天驚覺他失蹤!



英國新冠肺炎疫情相當嚴重,日前政府已下令進行鎖國,然而仍有不聽勸的人想要鑽漏洞造成家人擔心。16歲的歐文(Owen Harding)上週自薩賽克斯郡(Sussex)離家後,將近一週都未有消息,與他同齡的女友梅格(Meg Wells Rhodes)表示,相信男友是徒步450公里(280英里)要來找她,但不知道遇到什麼危險,至今都尚未有消息。




MISSING TEEN !!!! PLEASE SHARE PLEASE HELP FIND MY DAUGHTERS FRIEND OWEN !! Teenager Owen Harding has been missing from Saltdean for over 24 hours. 16 year old Owen left home from Bevendean Avenue just before 7pm yesterday evening 26/03/2020 after a disagreement and has not returned. He is 6ft tall with dark hair, he was wearing a black (dark) hoodie and gray tracksuit bottoms with white trainers. Owen's mum has told us that this is very out of character for him. He apparently does not have any charge on his phone. There were concerns that he may have tried to travel to see his girl friend in York but there he has not arrived there or made any contact. Please could you keep a look out especially on The Telscombe Tye, on the Downs and beach areas in and around Saltdean and its neighbouring villages and towns. The police are aware. If you think you may have spotted Owen or have any information can you please contact Sussex Police on 999 as soon as possible. Thank you for your support, we would really appreciate you sharing out this post as much as possible. ​ We will try to update any further information as we receive. Online contact for Sussex Police: https://www.sussex.police.uk/contact/af/contact-us/ #findowenharding

Nadia Sawalha(@nadiasawalhaandfamily)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2020 年 3月 月 27 日 下午 3:38 張貼